The ‘Worry’ Influenza

“I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened” –  Mark Twain Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ‘Worry’ as to think about problems or fears and to feel or show fear and concern because you think that something bad has happened or could happen. This is something… Read More The ‘Worry’ Influenza

What Too Much Knowledge Can Bring

A great military leader, who inspired the future leaders like Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte. Alexander the great created the largest political empire in the ancient world conquering countries that are now called Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, part of India, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan. In addition to these… Read More What Too Much Knowledge Can Bring

Fair Mercy

From households to the government, injustice is a norm. And more often we overlook injustice in favoritism. However, as christians, Paul pinpointed how wrong it is to show favoritism (James 2:1). In the following verses Paul made an example on how we like to judge other people based on their appearances. I found a video… Read More Fair Mercy

Listening And Doing

Courtesy of I’m not really much of an observer but every Sunday during the preaching it feels like floating in the air and magnificently seeing and noticing things I’ve never really cared about before, like seeing the fabric design hanging on the ceiling and thinking ‘how long has this been here?’, and would sometimes… Read More Listening And Doing

The Lone Sheep

If you haven’t heard of him yet, let me introduce you, Shrek.  A Merino sheep, belonging to South Island, New Zealand, who gained international fame in 2004 being known as the shaggiest sheep. 6 years, he hid in the caves after running away from his shepherd, although survived, after being saved, they discovered the poor sheep had… Read More The Lone Sheep