Spiritual Paralyzation

Paralysis is described by merriam-webster.com as a state of being unable to function, act, or move. A physically paralyzed person doesn’t happen to be numb all of a sudden. A person becomes paralyzed when a person’s muscles stops functioning therefore affecting the body as a whole. It means the brain of the person experiences problems in addressing messages to the body parts. These persons are often circled by pity by other people. For unlike people with normally functioning muscles, they are unable to move, unable to work, and unable to grow.

A Photo of Christopher Reeve (Superman) when he was paralyzed after an accident.

This day I talked to two of my friends and they have talked to me about their encounters with the so called ‘Atheists’ or people who do not believe in the existence of God and people who are baptized but are still double minded. These people are experiencing Spiritual Paralyzation because they have suddenly decided to stop believing in the existence of God. Now, it becomes harder for the vessels of God to address His Holy words to these people because they have built a barricade composed of building blocks like doubt caused by hurtful experiences, new sense of freedom, or the feeling of completeness even without the constant communication with God.

Now can you see the similarity between Spiritual and Physical Paralyzation? And just like Physical Paralyzation, people experiencing Spiritual Paralyzation are unable to move, unable to work (spread the gospel), and unable to grow (as a Believer of Christ). They will live a life focused in the world, get rich in the world, and live in the world. But its a one sided love. We love the world, give our time for the world and invest in the world. But what does the world do in return?

If you are one of these doubtful minds asking Is God even real? Go watch God’s not dead. If you’re questioning God’s power in this generation as non existent then look at the mirror, look at your body parts, look at the scenario you see when you walk to school, the smallest unfamiliar things are the greatest manifestation of God’s power. The existence of someone is never defined by what we can see he’s done. We judge our leaders because they ‘seem to be not doing anything’ which is impossible because they wouldn’t be sitting at their chairs without graduating from highly recognized universities or have had great work experiences beforehand. God doesn’t care about me. You are wrong. In a relationship between God and Man, we don’t need to play Hard to get. It doesn’t apply here. God wont knock on our front doors asking you to accept him. No. We were given the freewill, free will to decide not to follow God and to decide to follow God.

Matthew 7:7-8

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

So Why bother believing? I’ll answer it with a question, what would you lose if you believe? Cool friends? Drugs? Parties? It might sound strict but believing in God is not rehab. Believe me. It only makes you fall in love with God more than these material things so that one day you’ll look back without wanting to have that taste again.  What would you lose if you DON’T BELIEVE? I’m sorry, but to break it to you, you’ll lose everything when you face Satan and live the rest of your afterlife in death and destruction (Prov. 15:11), the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15), and eternal punishment (Matt. 25:46) where there is no turning back. Now while you are still breathing, make the most of it, do not get too much attached in this world, in its pleasures and in its richness because these things will be taken away from you, but a relationship with God is eternal and guarded, it will never fade until the end of times. Never be ashamed of your belief in God

Mark 8:38 

For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

There is freedom and pleasure with God, far more lasting than your investments on earth. You will not lose anything that you need when you believe, but you will receive both what we need and want. Wake up, the world doesn’t love you and the world wouldn’t give what you need but God Loves you and He’s gave his only son for you. Reconnect with your God, He’s long been waiting for you, and start functioning well again as you follow his commands.

John 3:16 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

God Bless you!


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